2010年3月25日 星期四

Friday, March 26, 2010

1. different plans

2. the lights intensity from strong to dim and different colors of lights


This bubble wrap clan represents location A, for example, polyU.

When another person pops 1 bubble in location B(cityU), it will trigger 1 bubble in polyU to inflate and light up!

The bubbles' light intensity will change from strong to dim as time goes by, which attract passengers to play with them.

2010年3月21日 星期日

Monday, March 22, 2010

The video shows our LED light effect. We have 3 part, from strong light to faint light, till to light off. When people pop several bubbles, the light will show the popping path to the people in the other place, as well as make them feel co-existing and remote connecting.


When a person from polyU plays one bubble, it will inflate and light up another bubble in CityU, the light attracts people from CityU to pop the shining bubble.

If the person pops a line of bubbles one by one, the bubbles on relevant location in cityU will be inflated and lit up. The latest popped bubble will be more shining than the previous ones. So the light will fade away as the time goes.

Condition 1

When one-person pops a small scale of bubbles in PolyU, there will be a small scale of lighting inflated bubbles appear in CityU. So people can pop them. And vice versa. So interactive playing can continue in 2 campuses.

Condition 2

1 min later ⋯⋯

Extreme condition, when people pop all the bubble wrap in one place, the bubble wrap will automatically and randomly recover their suitable conditions that people can pop again in 1 min.

3-view diagram

Components distribution diagram and the small scale model internal mechanical structure.

2010年3月18日 星期四

3D Mini Model

1.PolyU mini model

2. CityU mini model

The selected area for bubble wrap clan is the central of "X" shaped pass way. That is to change human's behavior.

Material testing

1. The small size bubble wrap for small model

2. The real size bubble wrap

Spray lacquer for testing, but the lacquer was fell after people popped it.

3. Find different materials for bubble wrap vacuum-form model.

Transparent EVA

Translucent frosted EVA

Colored EVA

2010年3月16日 星期二

Rough Model 2

A student walks by the bubble wrap clan in PolyU campus.

He plays with bubble wrap and feels a bit more relaxed.

He walks on one line among bubble wrap.

Another person is hurried to pass by the bubble wrap, he walks around it because they are in his way.

Meanwhile, another person in CityU, he sees the bubble wrap clan as well in his campus.

A line of bubbles popping up, which means there was a person in polyU who just popped a line of bubble wrap. this kind of remote connection changes the environment and makes people feel co-existing.

After we observed the people's walking behavior in campus of City University of Hong Kong. We selected the red area to put our bubble wrap.

This stuff is used for propping the bubble. And now, we use switch to instead of light sensor and control the bubble wrap's up and down.

What will be in our model:
8 "real" bubbles,
8 light sensors,
8 motors to connect to each bubble,
8 piezo speaker to control the "pop" sound when bubble is being popped.

2010年3月11日 星期四

Rough Model 1


PolyU and CityU’s plaza

After we observed the people's walking behavior in our campus. We select the red area to put our bubble wrap.

How it works:

A part of floor is covered with bubble wrap clan in 2 different campuses. When people in campus a walking by the bubbles, they can step on bubbles and the bubbles in campus B will be inflated because of the action triggering from campus A bubbles. And vice versa.


Fun and release pressure:

The popping sound when being compressed and punctured provides people with a kind of pleasure. It can be used as a source of amusement and to alleviate stress. Especially for school students.

Diverting people (change people’s behavior):

For those who are hurried to pass by, they will detour when they see inflated bubbles. For those who want to release their stress and have some fun, they can step on the bubbles intensively.

Remote connection (change the environment and feel co-existing in difference places):

The two places are both each other’s triggers to change their environments and make people feel co-existing in difference place. Instant interaction, when some people are popping bubble wrap in one place, the bubble wrap in other place will give feedback and show the situation to each other instantly.