PolyU and CityU’s plaza
How it works:
A part of floor is covered with bubble wrap clan in 2 different campuses. When people in campus a walking by the bubbles, they can step on bubbles and the bubbles in campus B will be inflated because of the action triggering from campus A bubbles. And vice versa.
• Fun and release pressure:
The popping sound when being compressed and punctured provides people with a kind of pleasure. It can be used as a source of amusement and to alleviate stress. Especially for school students.
• Diverting people (change people’s behavior):
For those who are hurried to pass by, they will detour when they see inflated bubbles. For those who want to release their stress and have some fun, they can step on the bubbles intensively.
• Remote connection (change the environment and feel co-existing in difference places):
The two places are both each other’s triggers to change their environments and make people feel co-existing in difference place. Instant interaction, when some people are popping bubble wrap in one place, the bubble wrap in other place will give feedback and show the situation to each other instantly.